Nature Teaching Us

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Barb Mathieson
Patricia Africa
Michelle Buyser
Crystel Dumalagan
Roselyn Gutierrez
Kathleen Magee
Kelly Pickford
Michaela Woodyard
Queenie Yu


What does it mean to be in relationship with the more-than-human; to see ourselves as equal partners with the other species with whom we coexist on this planet, and not as the central figures, or as the only ‘intelligent’ ones? How might we explore and understand the idea of interspecies sensibilities? Fourth-year education students participated in a seven-week project where they intentionally set aside time, three times a week, to be in an outdoor space and attune themselves to what nature had to teach them.

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How to Cite
Mathieson, B., Africa, P., Buyser, M., Dumalagan, C., Gutierrez, R., Magee, K., Pickford, K., Woodyard, M., & Yu, Q. (2018). Nature Teaching Us. Journal of Childhoods and Pedagogies, 1(3). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Barb Mathieson, Capilano University

Barb Mathieson is an instructor in the Early Childhood Care and Education Department at Capilano University

Queenie Yu

Patricia Africa, Michelle Buyser, Crystel Dumalagan, Roselyn Gutierrez, Kathleen Magee, Kelly Pickford, Michaela Woodyard and Queenie Yu are all fourth year students at Capilano University completing their Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Degree.


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