About the Journal

About the Journal

Preferred Web Browser

Open Access statement

Aims & scope

Digital archiving, metadata. CC licensing & deposit policy

SHERPA RoMEO deposit policy & encouraging pre- and post-prints

Peer review policy

Publishing schedule

Kaplan Singapore's sponsorship; no revenue sources and no advertising


Publisher / Editorial team / contact information & Editorial Board members


Preferred Web Browser

Please note that our website is best viewed with FireFox and Chrome browsers.

Open Access statement

The Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) publishes fully open access articles and issues. All articles are available on the JALT website to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author(s) and the journal are properly credited (all JALT articles have a Creative Commons CC BY license).

Benefits of open access for JALT authors and readers include:

  • free, immediate and permanent access without delay (no embargo period) for all users and their institutions worldwide;
  • increased readership and visibility;
  • avoidance of inequalities in access (traditionally, research is oftentimes behind a firewall)
  • relatively quick turnaround time for publication;
  • many funding agencies require funded research to be published as open access;
  • there are no author submission charges, no author processing charges (APCs) or any other charges to its authors; and
  • authors retain copyright to their work.

Aims & scope

The Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) is open in a number of senses: there are no charges to readers and authors, the content is openly available rather than being hidden behind a firewall, and it is open to all traditions of research, including conceptual papers. With reference to the acronym JALT, the Alt key opens up so many possibilities on the standard PC keyboard. ALT also denotes a version of something, especially popular music, that is intended as a challenge to the traditional version. In this vein, it is hoped that JALT will lead to the discovery of new frontiers and challenge conventional wisdom for the global higher education community.

JALT provides a forum for new ideas and analyses of higher education practices. The journal has no geographical limits and is within a global context on the broad subject of learning and teaching. JALT aims to share with its readers quality articles on educational practices with a non-exclusive focus on higher education (including, but not limited to, instructional practices, curriculum design, assessment and measurement, educational policy, educational technology, teaching and learning, and learning sciences) across a variety of disciplines.

JALT addresses the needs of two different segments of the global higher education community, i.e. authors and readers. Specifically, JALT aims to provide higher education practitioners, up-and-coming academics (e.g. doctoral candidates) as well as established academics a one-stop platform for speedy, peer-reviewed publication.

JALT has no author submission charges. It also does not have author processing charges (APCs) or any other charges to its authors. In fact, JALT prides itself to be completely free to its authors (as well as its readers).

Multiple submissions will not be considered and redundant publications are usually discouraged. Importantly, the journal is open to contributions from around the world, and authors are allowed to hold the copyright to their contributions without restrictions. Authors are also allowed to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

JALT allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, and link to the full texts of its articles. In addition, it allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of Open Access. The journal and individual articles are available to readers via the JALT website – there are no associated subscription or pay per view fees, as JALT is completely free-of-charge to its readers.

JALT consists of peer-reviewed, original, empirical research (including qualitative, quantitative, and action research) as well as conceptual articles or reviews of the literature; interviews with educational thought leaders; EdTech reviews; brief articles; and book reviews.


Digital archiving, metadata, CC licensing & deposit policy

All issues of the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) are digitally archived with the National Library Board Singapore (NLB).

Open Journal Systems (OJS) usually provide additional digital archiving and JALT is a member of the Public Knowledge Project’s (PKP) LOCKSS network (PKP Preservation Network). Due to JALT using OJS3.0, PKP PN archiving is currently not provided.

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a multi-university initiative developing (free) open source software and conducting research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. Open Journal Systems (OJS) is the global leader in open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals. LOCKSS, originally developed at Stanford University, stands for “Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe”. In the event that JALT is no longer published, electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content is available via the National Library Board of Singapore.

JALT uses a CC BY license for all its articles and issues. This license lets others share (copy and redistribute), adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the published work in JALT, even commercially), as long as JALT and its authors are credited for the original creation. JALT will not and cannot revoke the above-mentioned freedoms (of sharing and adapting) as long as the below license terms are adhered to:

  • Attribution. Licensees must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Licensees may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses them or their use.
  • No additional restrictions. Licensees may not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

CC BY is the most accommodating of licenses offered, and it is recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. The CC BY license also conforms to the requirements of all major funding agencies and ensures that authors retain copyright. In addition, the license ensures that published articles can be included in any scientific archive.

The copyright of any JALT article rests with the author(s). As a condition of publication, the authors agree to release their copyright under a shared CC BY licence.

For a summary of Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY), please refer to: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

The CC BY licence allows anyone to reproduce JALT articles at no cost and without further permission as long as they attribute the author and the journal. This permission includes printing, sharing, and other forms of distribution.

An example of attribution language is as follows:

This article by {insert author(s) name(s)} has been reproduced from the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching under Creative Commons Attribution License  4.0 CC-BY. It is available here {insert link}.

We would like to know when Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) articles are reproduced.  If you are reproducing one of our articles, please let us know by contacting us at jurgen.rudolph@kaplan.com


SHERPA RoMEO deposit policy & encouraging pre- and post-prints

JALT’s SHERPA RoMEO deposit policy is green.

The JALT editorial team is currently in the process of applying for inclusion in the RoMEO database. SHERPA RoMEO is a service run by SHERPA (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access) to show the copyright and open access self-archiving policies of academic journals. RoMEO (Rights MEtadata for Open archiving) provides a definitive listing of publishers' copyright agreements and retained author rights via a searchable database of publisher’s policies from around the world regarding the self-archiving of journal articles on the web and in Open Access repositories.

Evidence shows that citations to articles made openly accessible via RoMEO are taken up and cited more often than research that is simply published in journals, and there are also funding agencies that require open access archiving for their research, to increase the use of the published research (SHERPA/RoMEO FAQ).

Sherpa RoMEO differentiates four categories of self-archiving policies by using four colours (green, blue, yellow, and white). It assigns a colour to individual publishers indicating whether pre-prints can be self-archived (yellow), post-prints can be self-archived (blue), both pre-print and post-print can be archived (green) or neither (white). For the purposes of archiving, all Open Access journals allow archiving and can be taken as green.

The editorial team of JALT allows and encourages authors to deposit both their pre- and post-prints in Open Access institutional archives or repositories. The primary benefit of pre- and post-print self-archiving is reaching a larger audience which enhances the visibility and impact of the research of our authors.

Pre-prints are defined as the version of the paper before peer review and post-prints as being the version of the paper after peer-review, with revisions having been made. In other words, post-prints are the article as published. JALT provides the author with full self-archiving rights that in addition to the afore-mentioned, cover the author’s own website as well as institutional and subject repositories. The JALT editorial team prefers that authors use the publisher-generated .pdf so as to reflect the professionally produced .pdf that fits with JALT’s own house-style.


Peer review policy

All articles are peer-reviewed. Research and review articles that are submitted to JALT are double blind peer-reviewed by reviewers who are expert in the field and not part of the journal’s editorial staff. JALT does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or very short peer review times.

The point of double blind peer review is to reduce bias during the review process. While anonymity of the authors ends upon publication of the work, anonymity of the reviewers’ identity in a double blind peer review process typically continues after publication.

Publishing schedule

The regular issues of JALT appear twice a year (usually in June and in December). In addition, special issues are published on occasion.

Selected articles are pre-published shortly after their acceptance (with the only difference to the final version being the pagination).

Kaplan Singapore's sponsorship; no revenue sources and no advertising

JALT’s editorial team is very grateful for the institutional and financial support of Kaplan Singapore. Thanks to Kaplan Singapore’s institutional and financial support, there is no need for any other revenue sources (e.g. author fees, subscriptions, advertising, reprints). Due to there being no publishing fees (or waivers thereof), editorial decision making is not influenced by them. Similarly, as there is no advertising in JALT, editorial decision making cannot be influenced by it. Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, shall be appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the publisher or journal shall be truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.


This information was last updated in June 2024.

Publisher / Editorial team / contact information & Editorial Board members

The publisher of the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching is Kaplan Higher Education Academy, Singapore.

The Open Journal Systems (OJS) hosting service is provided by Simon Fraser University Library (https://pkpservices.sfu.ca/content/journal-hosting). This is a technical hosting service that is different from, and must not be mixed up with, publishing. The publisher (Kaplan Higher Education Academy, Singapore) retains full control over the publication of the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching.

JALT’s Editorial Board consists of a diverse team of outstanding academics. As of March 2022, there are Editorial Board members from Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, the UAE, the UK and the U.S. In terms of gender diversity, more than 40% of our Editorial Board members are female.

JALT’s Editor-in-chief is contactable as follows. Dr. Jürgen Rudolph is contactable at jurgen.rudolph@kaplan.com or +65-93805703.

The Editorial Office is headed by Ms Shannon Tan, she can be reached at shannon.tan@kaplan.com.

The Editorial Office is located at Kaplan Singapore The mailing address for both Editorial Office and publisher is:

Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge | No. 8 Wilkie Road | #02-01 Wilkie Edge | Singapore 228095 | Republic of Singapore

Our Editorial Team