The Integration of the Program Evaluation Standards into an Evaluation Toolkit for a Transformative Model of Care for Mental Health Service Delivery

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M. Elizabeth Snow
Mai Berger
Alexia Jaouich
Mélanie Hood
Amy Salmon


Background: Stepped Care 2.0 (SC2.0) is a transformative model of mental health service delivery. This model was created by Stepped Care Solutions (SCS), a not-for-profit consultancy that collaborates with governments, public service organizations, and other institutions that wish to redesign their mental health and addictions systems of care. The SC2.0 model is based on 10 foundational principles and 9 core components that can be flexibly adapted to an organization’s or community’s needs. The model supports groups to reorganize and deliver mental health care in an evidence-informed, person-centric way. SCS partnered with evaluators from the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences (CHÉOS) to create a toolkit that provides evaluation guidance. The toolkit includes a theory of change, guidance on selecting evaluation questions and designs, and an evaluation matrix including suggested process and outcome metrics, all of which can be tailored to each unique implementation of the SC2.0 model. The objective of this resource is to support organizations and communities to conduct high-quality evaluations for the purpose of continuous improvement (a core component of the model of care) and to assess the model’s impact.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the integration of the program evaluation standards (PES) into an evaluation toolkit for SC2.0.

Setting: In this paper, we describe the toolkit development, focusing on how the PES were embedded in the process and tools. We explore how the integration of the PES into the toolkit supports evaluators to enhance the quality of their evaluation planning, execution, and meta-evaluation.

Intervention: Not applicable

Research Design: Not applicable

Data Collection and Analysis: Not applicable

Findings: In this paper, we describe the toolkit development, focusing on how the PES were embedded in the process and tools. We explore how the integration of the PES into the toolkit supports evaluators to enhance the quality of their evaluation planning, execution, and meta-evaluation.

Keywords: program evaluation standards; evaluation; mental health


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How to Cite
Snow, M. E., Berger, M., Jaouich, A., Hood, M., & Salmon, A. (2023). The Integration of the Program Evaluation Standards into an Evaluation Toolkit for a Transformative Model of Care for Mental Health Service Delivery. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 19(43), 66–79.
Evaluation Standards Scholarship


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