Examining Teacher Candidate Use of Data-Based Formative Assessment for Instructional Decision-Making

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Lisa Johnson
Susan Green


Using accounts of critical events, this study examines teacher candidate decisions to modify instruction in response to ongoing classroom interaction and assessment during student teaching. Instructional changes made by candidates who reported incidents in which students had difficulty with learning goals were explored across two years. Analysis of decision making suggested that candidates during the first year lacked variation in instructional interventions and continued presenting content to students through previously used teaching strategies and materials. In the second year, candidates improved their instructional interventions, but had difficulty using objective data to describe outcomes resulting from changes made. The discussion examines changes made to teacher education curriculum after study year one to prompt teacher candidate recognition of and accommodation for diverse student needs when making instruction and assessment decisions. The use of data in reflective practice is argued as a continued need for teacher candidate development.


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Johnson, L., & Green, S. (2009). Examining Teacher Candidate Use of Data-Based Formative Assessment for Instructional Decision-Making. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 6(12), 92–102. https://doi.org/10.56645/jmde.v6i12.235
Assessment for Learning


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