Hope for High Impact Aid: Real Challenges, Real Opportunities, and Real Solutions

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Ronald S. Visscher


In a 2004 interview with the late Everett Rogers, author of the book Diffusion of Innovation, Rogers lamented that in 1963, he and other members of a prominent research group expected to solve the remaining international development problems and end poverty within ten to fifteen years. (Rogers, 2004) Now, forty-five years hence, it is time for a “reality check.” While it is refreshing to be reminded of a time when it was acceptable to have such high hopes, in hindsight, it appears that these early expectations were terribly naïve. Unfortunately, the multinational effort to alleviate poverty over the last half-century has not succeeded (Goodman, 2006). But does this mean we should give up hope?


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How to Cite
Visscher, R. S. (2008). Hope for High Impact Aid: Real Challenges, Real Opportunities, and Real Solutions. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 5(10), 44–64. https://doi.org/10.56645/jmde.v5i10.178
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