Academic Case Managers: Supporting the Educational Life of Urban Middle School Students of Poverty

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Nancy Van Kannel-Ray
Warren E. Lacefield
Pamela J. Zeller


For the past eight years, Midwest Educational Research Consortium (MERC), located at Western Michigan University, received two multi-million dollar grants through a U.S. Department of Education program entitled Gaining Early Awareness and Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). GEAR UP is a school/university partnership using a cohort model with the goal of increasing the number of students of poverty who graduate from high school and go on to post secondary education.The MERC/GEAR UP project partners with two universities, two community colleges, and four school districts in Michigan and Ohio.


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How to Cite
Van Kannel-Ray, N., Lacefield, W. E., & Zeller, P. J. (2008). Academic Case Managers: Supporting the Educational Life of Urban Middle School Students of Poverty. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 5(10), 21–29.
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