A Study on Developing and Refining a Large Citation Service System


  • Kwang-Young Kim Senior Researcher, Department of Overseas Information, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
  • Hwan-Min kim Senior Researcher, Department of Overseas Information, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (Corresponding Author)


Citation System, Citation Index, Citation Service, NoSQL


Today, citation index information is used as an outcome scale of spreading technology and encouraging research. Article citation information is an important factor to determine the authority of the relevant author. Google Scholar uses the article citation information to organize academic article search results with a rank algorithm. For an accurate analysis of such important citation index information, large amounts of bibliographic data are required. Therefore, this study aims to build a fast and efficient system for large amounts of bibliographic data, and to design and develop a system for quickly analyzing cited information for that data. This study also aims to use and analyze citation data to be a basic element for providing various advanced services to the academic article search system.

URL: http://ijkcdt.net/xml/00654/00654.pdf




How to Cite

Kim, K.-Y., & kim, H.-M. (2013). A Study on Developing and Refining a Large Citation Service System. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journals.sfu.ca/ijkcdt/index.php/ijkcdt/article/view/31


