Mastery, Maladaptive Learning Behaviour, and Academic Achievement: An Intervention Approach


  • John Ranellucci Hunter College (CUNY)
  • Nathan Hall McGill University
  • Krista Muis McGill University
  • Susanne Lajoie McGill University
  • Kristy Robinson Michigan State University


The effects of three interventions designed to boost academic achievement among mastery-oriented students were evaluated on interest-based studying, social desirability, and perceived goal difficulty. Undergraduate students (N = 177) completed relevant self-report measures at the beginning and the end of the semester and were randomly assigned to one of three brief, web-based intervention conditions or a control condition. Multiple regression analyses showed the intervention conditions to consistently predict lower levels of interest-based studying, with these effects moderated by students’ prior achievement and mastery-approach goals. Qualitative analyses provide insight into the motivationally relevant processes elicited by the interventions.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

John Ranellucci, Hunter College (CUNY)

Dr. John Ranellucci completed his PhD at McGill University in the Educational and Counseling Psychology Department and is now an assistant professor of educational psychology in the Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling at Hunter College, CUNY. His research focuses on motivational interventions and the structural relation among motivation, emotion, learning strategies, and academic achievement in the context of traditional and technology rich learning environments.




Comment citer

Ranellucci, J., Hall, N., Muis, K., Lajoie, S., & Robinson, K. (2018). Mastery, Maladaptive Learning Behaviour, and Academic Achievement: An Intervention Approach. Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 40(4), 704–738. Consulté à l’adresse




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