Administrative supports and curricular challenges: New teachers enacting and sustaining inquiry in schools


  • Jo Towers University of Calgary


This article draws on interviews with a recent graduate of an inquiry-based initial teacher education program, and on video data collected in his Grade 6 classroom, to explore the extent to which he was able to enact inquiry-based teaching approaches in his teaching of mathematics and to consider the kinds of resources (administrative and curricular) necessary to sustain and enhance such practices in today’s schools. The findings support existing literature noting the importance of a supportive and knowledgeable school principal and extend that literature to detail the kinds of support that make a difference in sustaining, in particular, inquiry-oriented teaching practices. The study also draws attention to the need for further research concerning the kinds of curricular support materials necessary to help new teachers who are attempting to enact such practices to thrive in schools.

Keywords: Inquiry-based teaching and learning, mathematics teaching, novice teachers


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Author Biography

Jo Towers, University of Calgary

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How to Cite

Towers, J. (2012). Administrative supports and curricular challenges: New teachers enacting and sustaining inquiry in schools. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 35(1), 259–278. Retrieved from


