Some remarks on glider design and related subjects


  • L. Huls The City College of the City University of New York


Structures, Materials, Design


In introducing my paper I wish to apologize ·for having chosen a subject falling far outside the scope of the subjects, which have been set out last year as the principal ones to be discussed in this session of the O.S.T.l.V. We in Holland have, much to our regret, not yet been able to take an active part in the research on either standing waves or high-altitude sailplanes. We  have, however, been doing some technical  work, mostly  on  "everyday" problems, which  may  be of interest to discuss in this meeting, not because this work has produced any far-reaching results, but because we feel that much the same problems arise in other countries as well. I wish to emphasize, there­fore, that I am not presenting a paper of any roughly scientific nature, but that I am merely mentioning a few points we have tackled and the way we have approached these problems. The main purpose in presenting this paper is, therefore, to put before  you  a  few technical  points  on which, in my opinion , much valuable work can be done by the O.S.T.I.V. not only in providing a means of exchanging experiences, but in taking an active part in setting some international standards, e.g. with regards to airworthiness requirements. The discussion, which I hope will follow, is, therefore, the main issue and the paper itself serves only the secondary purpose of suggesting some of the subjects to be discussed.

Author Biography

L. Huls, The City College of the City University of New York





