
  • Douglas G Richards Ph.D.
  • David L McMillin M.A.
  • Carol D Nelson D.C.
  • Eric A Mein M.D.


The purpose of this study was to determine if a subtle energy device, the Cayce Radial Appliance, could improve circulation in the extremities. There were two aspects to the study: a doubleblind, placebo-controlled experiment and a small clinical investigation. In the experiment, 30 subjects were selected for cold extremities, with the criterion that either the hands or the feet had to be below 800 F during the initial measurement session. To measure improvement of circulation, we used digital thermometers to record the temperatures of the thumbs and big toes on both hands and feet. Subjects were instructed to use the appliance 16 times; laboratory measurements were taken during the 1st, 4th and 16th sessions.

Skin temperature turned our to be a difficult variable to work with, due to the wide variability in temperature apparently unrelated to the experimental siruation. The strongest results were observed in the 4th session. During session baseline, differences between hand and foot temperatures of the experimental group were significantly greater than those of the control group (t [13,11] 2.49, p '" .02).

The 16th session did not yield significant differences between the experimental and control groups. However, in the experimental group, there was a correlation of r (9) -.56 (p '" .07) of hand temperarure increase with the number of days it took to complete the 16 sessions. That is, those subjects who were more consistent in using the appliance may have obtained better results, though statistically the result is only suggestive due to the small sample size.

In contrast, in a clinical follow-up study with five subjects and no control group, we found that all subjects had a substantial increase in hand temperature following three sessions on the appliance (Mean increase'" 8.40 F, SO = 3.3). This increase was well in excess of that seen in either the experimental or control groups in the previous study. One important difference was that in the clinical study, use of the appliance was closely supervised, whereas in the blind study most of the appliance sessions were conducted by the subjects alone in their homes.



