
  • Steven L Fahrion Ph.D.


Alpha-theta neurofeedback is becoming recognized by clinicians who are engaged in its use as an extremely powerful therapeutic technique affecting both personality and human relations. Addicted dients who are followed through the course of neurofeedback training reveal changes in EEG patterns that are consistent across individuals. These changes point to a comprehensive integrative adult developmental process of psychophysiologic reorganization.

Theoretical considerations proposed by James P. Henry suggest similar. parallel rransformative processes involve the brainstem as well as corrico-limbic structures. Personal and interpersonal effects of these transformarive processes include improved mental flexibiliry, humor, creativiry, and rapport with others. After treatment using alpha-theta neurofeedback, significant percentages of convicted felons with diagnosed substance abuse problems recover from addictive behavior.

Note: The paper which follows represents a tribute to the ideas of Dr, James P. Henry concerning psychophysiologic development and adult human growth processes. Dr. Henry has kindly given permission for the use ofthis material including some figures from his still not widely known original book, Instinct, Archetypes and Symbols: An Approach to the Physiology ofReligious Experience, written more than 30 years ago, but finally published in 19922 This seminal conceptual work has much to say to us today, as exemplified by the usefol model it provides to explain processes revealed in the current result,· presented here. Thanks and appreciation are also noted to Roger Werholtz and Warren Berry, llI, ofthe Kansas Department ofCorrections, for arranging contractual support for the randomized controlled study described at the end of this paper.




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