
  • S.J.P. Spottiswoode CORRESPONDENCE: S. James P. Spottiswoode, 9421 Charleville Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90212. Voice: (213) 276 5443. Fax: (213) 9336476.


Analyses ofanecdotal reports of putative telepathic experiences have shown that these tend tobe reported on days ofrelatively lowgeomagnetic activity. Studies oflaboratory psi experiments have yielded weak confirmation of this effect. The existence of a negative correlation between scores in free response anomalous cognition experiments and geomagnetic fluctuations wasconfirmedinfour datasets (combined p=3x1(t6) which showed significant anomalous cognition. The negative correlation wasabsent from two other data sets showing no evidence of anomalous cognition. Additionally, analysis of an unusually large database ofanomalous cognition trials (n = 336), covering a range of approximately± 130hours between perceptionand target observation, suggests that the negative correlation between scores and geomagnetic fluctuations occurs only for trials inwhichthis interval is less than±2 hours, andis absent for precognitive orretrocognitive perception outside this time range. These results may facilitate the elucidation of the physical mechanism ofanomalous cognition.

Author Biography

S.J.P. Spottiswoode, CORRESPONDENCE: S. James P. Spottiswoode, 9421 Charleville Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90212. Voice: (213) 276 5443. Fax: (213) 9336476.


M.A. Persinger, Geophysical Variables and Behavior: XXIX, Intense Paranormal Experiences Occur During Days of Quiet Global Geomagnetic Activity, Perceptual and Motor Skills 61 (1985), pp. 320·322.

M.A. Persinger and G.B. Schaut, Geomagnetic Factors in Subjective Telepathic, Precognitive and Postmortem Experiences, Journal ofthe American Societyfor Psychical Research 82 (1988), pp.217w 235.

M.A. Arango and M.A. Persinger, Geophysical Variables and behavior: LII, De. creased Geomagnetic Activity and Spontaneous Telepathic Experiences from the Sidgwick Collection, Perceptual and Motor Skills 67 (1988), pp.907-910.

M.A. Persinger, Spontaneous Telepathic Experiences from Phantasms ofthe Living and Low Global Geomagnetic Activity, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 81 (1987), pp. 23.36.

P. Diaconis and F. Mosteller, Methods for Studying Coincidences, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 408 (1989), pp. 853.861.

K. Makarec and M.A. Persinger, Geophysical Variables and Behavior: XLIII, Nega· tive Correlation Between Accuracy ofCard-Guessing and Geomagnetic Activity: a Case Study. Perceptual and Motor Skills 65 (1987), pp. 105.106.

M.A. Persinger and S. Krippner, Dream ESP Experiments and Geomagnetic Activity. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 83 (1989), pp. 101-116.

M.H. Adams, Variability in Remote Viewing Performance: Possible Relationship to the Geomagnetic Field. Proceedings of Presented Papers: The 27th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Society (1985), pp. 451462.

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RD. Nelson and B.J. Dunne, Attempted CorrelationofEngineering Anomalies with Global Geomagnetic Activity, Proceedings of Presented Papers: The 29th Annual Convention ofthe Parapsycholpgical Society (1986), pp. 507-518.

C.T. Tart, Geomagnetic Effects on GESP:Two Studies,Journal ofthe Amerialn Society for Psychical Research 82 (1988) pp. 193-216.

B.J. Dunne, Y.H. Dobyns and S.M. Intner, (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research), Precognitive Remote Perception III: Complete Binary Data Base with Analytical Refinements. Technical Note PEAR 89004 August 1989.

N.D. Lantz, E.C. May and T. Piantanida, Remote Viewing: From What Time Frame Does the Information Originate? Proceedings of Presented Papers: The 33rd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (1990), pp. 138-151.

Geomagnetic Index Data. (National Geophysical Data Center, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division, E/GC2, Boulder, CO).

M.A. Persinger, Psi Phenomena and Temporal Lobe Activity: The Geomagnetic factor, InResearch in Parapsychology (L. Henkel and R Berger, Eds., Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ, 1989).

W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky and W.T. Vetterling, Numerical Recipes (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986), pp. 488-491.

J.C. Carpenter, Quasi-Therapeutic GroupProcess and ESP,Journal ofParapsychology 52 (1988) and personal communication ofadditional data.

M. Schlitz and J. Haight, Remote Viewing Revisited: An Intrasubject Replication, Journal of Parapsychology 48,39 (1984).

M. Schlitz and E. Gruber, Transcontinental Remote Viewing, Journal of Parapsychology 44, 305 (1980).

G. Filisetti, G. Lovera and V. Mussino, Correlation of Cosmic-Ray Intensity with GeomagneticKpIndexand Solar-Magnetic-Field Reversal, Lettere AlNuovo Cimento, 37,8 (1983).



