
  • José Paulo Universidade Federal do Pampa https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2606-5198
  • Fernanda Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Benhur Universidade Federal do Pampa




Diet, Grasslands, Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, Strigidae


El lechuzón orejudo Asio clamator es una especie ampliamente distribuida en la región neotropical. Su rango geográfico abarca desde el norte de México hasta el centro de Argentina. En este trabajo presentamos datos sobre la dieta del A. clamator en la ciudad de Pelotas en Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, registrados en la primavera austral durante el periodo post-reproductivo de la especie. Se recolectaron 39 egagrópilas, a partir de las cuales fueron identificadas un total de 46 presas, pertenecientes a ocho taxa. Los grupos más importantes en la dieta fueron los mamíferos, que representaron 73,9 % de los ítems de la dieta, y las aves, que representaron 10,85 % de los ítems consumidos. En nuestro estudio una especie exótica, Rattus norvegicus, fue la principal presa consumida.

Author Biographies

José Paulo, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Biologist, with a bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Pampa. Master's degree from the same University in the PPG of Biological Sciences. During his scientific initiation he joined the Mammal and Bird Biology Laboratory (LABIMAVE), focusing on studies in the field of ornithology. He has experience in the area of Zoology and Ecology, with an emphasis on ornithology, especially in bird surveys and in the field of raptor ecology, analyzing food habits, home range, reproductive biology, behavior and conservation. Currently in his master's degree, his research projects are focused on studies of the natural history of raptors of the genus Geranoaetus, with a special focus on Geranoaetus melanoleucus.

Fernanda, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Biologist, graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), where during my degree I was a member of the Mammal and Bird Biology Laboratory (LABIMAVE), working in the areas of ornithology, ecology and also in the area of taxidermy where I contribute specimens to the Pampa Zoology Museum (MZPAMPA). In this laboratory I developed a project, towards the end of the course, based on the diet of the owl Athene cunicularia. Master's student in Animal Biodiversity at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), where I focus on the study of ecological interactions, more specifically between birds and plants, with the study objective being the work entitled "Structure and key species of birds and plants in a network of frugivory interactions in Brazil" which is currently being developed in the city of Pelotas.

Benhur, Universidade Federal do Pampa

He holds a full degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES - (2004), with a master's degree and doctorate from the Postgraduate Program in Animal Biology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS - (2007 and 2011). She has experience in ecological studies of mammals, with an emphasis on carnivores, evaluating aspects such as feeding habits, home range, habitat use, abundance/density, behavior and conservation. He currently works as a professor in the subjects of Chordate Zoology, Comparative Animal Morphophysiology, Mastozoology and Ornithology, Fauna Management, General Zoology, among others, for undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, Biotechnology and Forestry Engineering at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), campus of São Gabriel. He is also part of the teaching staff of the Postgraduate Program in Biological Sciences at UNIPAMPA, providing guidance in the line of research "Ecology and Systematics" with guidance in the areas of Mastozoology and Ornithology.


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