A Study on the Current Status and Librarian Perception of Readers' Advisory in Korean University Libraries: A focus on Leisure Reading


  • Dae-Keun Jeong Assistant Professor, Gwangju University, Gwangju


This study attempted to establish the role of university libraries for leisure reading by identifying the current status of university libraries about leisure reading, which is a part of the reading support service and by investigating and analyzing the university library librarian's perception of the necessity of leisure reading. To this end, a survey was conducted on university libraries. As a result of the survey, 78% of university libraries were conducting leisure reading, and 72% of them provided separate space. Separate manpower was provided only in 30% of libraries, and book lists were provided mainly by best sellers. Regarding the need for leisure reading (4.28) and the role of university libraries (4.32), librarians responded that it was a necessary service for university libraries, and university library librarians that currently provide spaces and programs were more aware of the need.

URL: http://ijkcdt.net/xml/27017/27017.pdf




How to Cite

Jeong, D.-K. (2020). A Study on the Current Status and Librarian Perception of Readers’ Advisory in Korean University Libraries: A focus on Leisure Reading. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology, 10(4). Retrieved from https://journals.sfu.ca/ijkcdt/index.php/ijkcdt/article/view/545


