A Call for Teacher Professional Learning and the Study of Religion in Social Studies


  • Margaretta L. Patrick The King's University
  • Vanessa Gulayets The King's University
  • Carla L. Peck University of Alberta


Religion is important to study in social studies because many religious iReligion is important to study in social studies because many religious individuals, groups, and movements engage with public issues and because countries are increasingly religiously diverse. In response, scholars are promoting education about religion in citizenship education. However, there remain few programs about religion in Canadian public schools and even less research about them. This article begins to address the gap by proposing three priorities for teacher professional learning and the study of religion for social studies teachers. The priorities are drawn from interviews with Alberta teachers, whose beliefs about religion in the classroom can be divided into three categories identified by the authors as nominal, attentive, and integrated. If many teachers fall into one of these categories, then the professional learning priorities suggested here have wide-ranging application.


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Author Biographies

Margaretta L. Patrick, The King's University

Dr. Patrick is an Associate Professor in the Education Faculty at The King's University in Edmonton, Alberta. Her interests are social studies education, religious pluralism, and the opportunities of studying religion in social studies.

Vanessa Gulayets, The King's University

Ms. Gulayets is a recent graduate of the two year after-degre B.Ed program at The King's University and a former research assistant on this project.

Carla L. Peck, University of Alberta

Dr. Peck is an Associate Professor of Social Studies Education in the Department of Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Dr. Peck’s areas of research are the teaching and learning of history and citizenship education, with a focus on students’ conceptions of democratic concepts.




How to Cite

Patrick, M. L., Gulayets, V., & Peck, C. L. (2018). A Call for Teacher Professional Learning and the Study of Religion in Social Studies. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 40(4), 603–637. Retrieved from https://journals.sfu.ca/cje//index.php/cje-rce/article/view/3111


