Supporting Teachers to Work with Children with Exceptionalities


  • Isabel Killoran York University
  • Hayley Zaretsky York University
  • Anne Jordan Ontario Institute for the Study of Education
  • Deidre Smith Ontario College of Teachers
  • Carson Allard Ontario College of Teachers
  • James Moloney Ontario College of Teachers


The current study had two purposes: to explore further revisions to the Three-Part Schedule D Additional Qualification (AQ) courses in special education and to determine if a virtual knowledge network would be a viable and welcome tool in building teacher capacity for classroom inclusion of students with exceptionalities. Educational stakeholders convened at the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) for a two-day consultation meeting. A consensus-building workshop was used on the first day to discuss further revisions to the revised AQ course guidelines and to specifically identify gaps in teacher knowledge and skills. An open space consultation (Owen, 1997) was used on the second day to discuss the possibility of a provincial virtual knowledge network that would support revised Special Education AQ course guidelines and build capacity for teachers working with children with exceptionalities.

Keywords: Ontario, teacher education, inclusive education, special education, additional qualifications.


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Author Biography

Carson Allard, Ontario College of Teachers



How to Cite

Killoran, I., Zaretsky, H., Jordan, A., Smith, D., Allard, C., & Moloney, J. (2013). Supporting Teachers to Work with Children with Exceptionalities. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 36(1), 240–270. Retrieved from


