Valeurs éducatives des enseignants: Comparaison entre les milieux alternatifs et réguliers au lendemain de la réforme québécoise de l’éducation de 1997


  • Olivier Bégin-Caouette
  • Véronique Angers
  • Sophia-Karen Maghalaes-Grave


Building on the findings of Cormier, Lessard, Valois and Toupin (1981), which showed teachers’ diverse perspectives on education, the objective of this study is to determine whether teachers who work in alternative or regular school setting have different values regarding education. The study Questionnaire de Valeurs en Éducation (Perron, 1981a) was administered to 88 teachers in Greater Montreal working in alternative public schools and regular public schools at both elementary and secondary levels. The results show that alternative school teachers place greater emphasis on participation and student freedom (i.e., self-esteem, freedom for students to self- direct their learning), while those in regular schools place greater value on maintaining consistency and predictability in their teaching (i.e., classroom structure, tasks organization, etc.). The results show that high school teachers placed more value on security aspects such as classroom structure, tasks organization, etc. than primary teachers. Despite the 1997 educational reform that has made alternative and regular schools more similar by promoting the values associated with the alternative model, this study finds that teachers working in different settings do not have the same values. The implications for students is discussed. Keywords: values, teachers, alternative school, regular schools, education


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How to Cite

Bégin-Caouette O., Angers, V., & Maghalaes-Grave, S.-K. (2012). Valeurs éducatives des enseignants: Comparaison entre les milieux alternatifs et réguliers au lendemain de la réforme québécoise de l’éducation de 1997. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 34(4), 3–19. Retrieved from


