God’s Emerging Image in Rahab’s Spiritual Daughters


  • Timothy P Robbins Asbury Seminary


Practice, CSE, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Discipleship


Numerous Christ-centered agencies have organized since 2004 to minister to women who have recently been commercially sexually exploited. Seventeen women graduating from these programs and thirteen caregivers were recently interviewed for this project.  The administrators explained what is required to complete their programs, and they were highly successful in predicting what their former clients would describe to be the chief obstacles impeding them from flourishing.  Most of the rehabilitated women either had become Christ-followers during rehabilitation or had renewed their Christian commitments between two and ten years after their exploitation had concluded.  Holistic flourishing indexes were utilized to gauge their developmental- and faith practices. The data revealed that the women who scored in the medium- to high flourishing categories all demonstrated active faith practices and engagement in redemptive communities. The low- and poor flourishers resisted Christian community and did not speak of the reality of active transformative faith post-program.

Author Biography

Timothy P Robbins, Asbury Seminary

Tim Robbins has been involved in intercultural ministry and has served as a pastor, an educator, a mental health therapist and a mobile crisis worker.  He holds a Ph.D. in evangelization studies from Asbury Seminary, and is currently employed at the Lexington Rescue Mission doing holistic re-entry work with men and women returning from prison.


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