Dallas Willard's Theology of Evangelism


  • Trey L. Clark Fuller Theological Seminary


Evangelism, Evangelical, Dallas Willard


Among American evangelicals, there is a growing dissatisfaction with evangelism efforts that do not result in genuinely transformed lives. In recent years, scholars and ministry leaders have sought to respond to this problem in part through publications and conferences that propose a more integrated understanding of evangelism and discipleship. However, one of the most helpful voices that speak to this concern has largely been overlooked—the philosopher and Christian author Dallas Willard (1935-2013). This paper argues that Dallas Willard’s theology contains a critique of modern evangelism and a corrective proposal to it—what he calls “discipleship evangelism”— that can enrich the mission of the Church in the West today. The first section of the paper establishes that evangelism is indeed a central concern in Willard’s life and work and demonstrates how his theology of evangelism is largely a critique of prevalent elements of evangelism in the 20th century. The second section focuses on Willard’s soteriology and how it is the basis for his unique reframing of the relationship of evangelism and discipleship. The final section delineates Willard’s unique contributions to a theology of evangelism, criticisms of his theology of evangelism, and future areas for research. 

Author Biography

Trey L. Clark, Fuller Theological Seminary

Trey L. Clark (B.A., M.A., Wheaton College) is an associate pastor at a multi-ethnic church in Southern California and a third year M.Div. student at Fuller Theological Seminary.


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