Evangelism Training for the 21st Century: Complexities & Opportunities for Seminary Education


  • W. Jay Moon Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Tim Robbins Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Irene Kabete Asbury Theological Seminary


Evangelism, Secularism, Pluralism, Individualism, Relativism, Identity, Technology


Based on a year and a half research project, this article describes evangelism training for seminary students by recognizing six complexities for evangelism in the twenty-first century, and then recommending fresh opportunities for evangelism arising from each complexity.

Author Biographies

W. Jay Moon, Asbury Theological Seminary

Professor, Evangelism and Church Planting

Tim Robbins, Asbury Theological Seminary

PhD Candidate

Irene Kabete, Asbury Theological Seminary

PhD Candidate


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