Super Undies, Buff Bodies and Body Facism: Normative Gay Identity and the Politics of Regulation

How to Cite

Moldes, M. (2009). Super Undies, Buff Bodies and Body Facism: Normative Gay Identity and the Politics of Regulation. Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication, 2(1), 39–45.


fab Magazine, a bi-weekly based in Toronto, is an example of a gay tabloid press that claims to provide an alternative to the traditional discourses of gay identity. Providing local coverage of Toronto’s gay community, the magazine also contains featured columnists, music and restaurant reviews, and a classified section that focuses on gay businesses and services. However the magazine’s representation of the gay community embraces and glorifies the normative images of the gay body that articulate the stereotypical conception of gay consumer identity. This creates a contradiction at the centre of the magazine: it is a text that seeks to be understood as a “for us, by us text†publication yet it deploys a normative construction of gayness in the vast majority of its image-based representations.