Finalizing a journal volume during a global pandemic / Finaliser un volume de journal durant une pandémie mondiale
Circles of conversation - CCA 2019 graduate students proceedings

How to Cite

Rokni, S. (2020). Finalizing a journal volume during a global pandemic / Finaliser un volume de journal durant une pandémie mondiale. Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication, 12(1), 2–5.


Where to begin? Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social restrictions that followed, our perceptions of and relationship to work have been shaken to their core. Indeed, we live in a society where consistent and constant production is part of our daily reality. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a mirror, showing us our obsession with productivity and exacerbating the dangers associated with a system that has been known to be dysfunctional for several decades: capitalism. The pandemic and what has followed have also resulted in the whole world living an experience of collective ambiguity. This experience of ambiguity is felt differently depending on our privileges, be they social, economic, political, or racial. Despite this ambiguity, our politicians across the political spectrum have continued to insist on the relaunching of the economy and incited the population to continue to produce in order to ultimately to save the capitalist system. Even at university, we continue to adapt—for good or bad—to this new reality that is supposedly “temporary”.