
  • Barbara G Koopman M.D., Ph.D.
  • Richard A Blasband M.D.


Drawing on his training in advanced physics and quantum theory, wgether with an in-depth questioning of the latters' known inconsistencies, physicist/psychic healer Nicolai Levashov has concluded that the universe is anisotropic, i.e., non-uniform in spatial structure. This concept, while backed by serious supporr in the field of astrophysics, runs directly coumer ro the classical view that the structure of space is uniform (isotropic)-which holds that space has the same qualities and properties in all directions and that matter, therefore, must manifest similarly in all directions of space.

However, Levashov, from his dual perspective of healer and physicist, believes that spatial anisotropy plays a pivotal role in all creation, both macro-and microcosmic. This process unfolds through the eternal interplay of subtle and physical matter in quantized space, which, he concludes, is the cradle of all creation, and is governed by specific and quantifiable parameters resulting from spatial anisotropy. l.evashov has laid our the mathematical formulation of this process.

A healer, trained by Levashov to access an advanced state of consciousness and elevated energy potemial, must draw on this understanding of the universe, in order ro orchestrate the creation or dissolution of matter for healing purposes, in accordance with natural law.

Levashov's basic training of a healer is described, along with the attendant pitfalls and challenges. The steps of the healing process itself, e.g., scanning, detoxification, cellular ablation and regeneration, etc., are detailed in the light of Levashov's cosmological position; and two fully documented cases are presented of children with classically incurable problems, successfully treared by Levashov.



