Quantum Model for the Direct Currents of Becker


  • Matti Pitkänen


Quantum biology, neuroscience, biophotons, dark matter


Motivated by a need to understand his experimental findings, Robert Becker has proposed that living matter behaves as a semiconductor in a wide range of length scales. Direct currents flowing only in a preferred direction would be essential for the functioning of living matter in this framework.

One of the key assumptions of TGD-inspired theory of living matter is that various currents, even ionic currents, are quantal currents. The possibility considered mostly hitherto is that the quantal currents are Josephson currents assignable to cell membrane regarded as a Josephson junction. However, if one accepts Josephson currents, it is difficult to explain why the quantal direct currents would not be present.

The TGD inspired model for nerve pulse generation assumes that ionic currents through the cell membrane in the resting state are probably Josephson currents. If this is the case, the situation is automatically stationary and dissipation is small as various anomalies suggest. During nerve pulse the situation could of course change and both ohmic and non-dissipating quantal direct currents could be present.

One can criticize the hypothesis about quantal DC currents since the Compton length of ions for the ordinary value of Planck constant is so small that magnetic flux tubes carrying the current through the membrane look rather long in this length scale. Therefore either Planck constant should be rather large or one should have non-ohmic quantum counterparts of  direct currents in the case of ions and perhaps also protons in the case of neuronal membrane: electronic and perhaps also protonic currents could be still Josephson currents. This would conform with the low dissipation rate.

In this article the results related to laser-induced healing, acupuncture, and DC currents are discussed. The key question is whether these direct currents are actually quantal (and thus non-dissipating) currents and whether they could be universal in living matter. A TGD inspired model for quantal direct currents is proposed and its possible implications for the model of nerve pulse are discussed.


Author Biography

Matti Pitkänen

Independent researcher, PhD


Theoretical Physics

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Books and articles related to TGD

M. Pitkänen. About the New Physics Behind Qualia.

In Quantum Hardware of Living Matter. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/bioware/bioware.html#newphys, 2006.

M. Pitkänen. DNA as Topological Quantum Computer.

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M. Pitkänen. Genes and Memes.

In Genes and Memes. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/genememe/genememe.html#genememec, 2006.

M. Pitkänen. Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-Time.

In Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/hologram/hologram.html#homeoc, 2006.

M. Pitkänen.Nuclear String Hypothesis.

In p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/paddark/paddark.html#nuclstring, 2006.

M. Pitkänen.Quantum Model for Nerve Pulse.

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M. Pitkänen. TGD Based View About Living Matter and Remote Mental Interactions. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/tgdlian/tgdlian.html, 2012.

M. Pitkänen and P.Gariaev. Quantum Model for Remote Replication.

In Genes and Memes. Onlinebook.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/genememe/genememe.html#remotereplication, 2011.

M. Pitkänen. DNA Waves and Water.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/articles/mont.pdf, 2011.

M. Pitkänen. Generalization of thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing.

http://tgdtheory.com/articles/thermolife.pdf, 2011.

M. Pitkänen. How to build a quantum computer from magnetic flux tubes? http://tgdtheory.com/articles/fluxtubecomputer.pdf, 2012.

M. Pitkänen. Quantum Model for the Direct Currents of Becker.

http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/articles/DCbio.pdf, 2012.


