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Podcast: Rechtsextremismus in Verbindung mit Organisierter Kriminalität

Rechtsextremismus in Verbindung mit Organisierter Kriminalität Politisch-missionarisches Handelns mit einem komplexen und professionell aufgezogenem Anspruch ‚revolutionärer‘ Veränderung übersteigt den Rahmen legaler Finanzierung, so dass extremistische Gruppen und Bewegungen auch auf illegalen Wegen und kriminelle Weise Geldquellen erschließen, die dem Aufbau und der Entfaltung des jeweiligen Missions- und Lebenssystems dienen.In Bezug auf den rechtsextremen Komplex sind […] Mehr lesen

What’s going on online?

Dealing with (potential) use of deepfake technology by extremists By RAN WG C&N. Key outcomes Being online, and doing online work, has become an integral part of everyday life. More and more work in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) is also taking place online. But the online landscape changes and develops […] Mehr lesen

Anti-government sentiment – A critical reflection

By Fabian Wichmann. The right to disagree with your government, to organise and protest on this basis is a core human freedom and value. Europeans are free to call for the replacement of their governments and to radically re-imagine their governing institutions, up to and including calling for the disestablishment of their state or the […] Mehr lesen

Podcast: Coping with Dystopia – Coping with Right-Wing Extremism

By Coping with Dystopia. Feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world? Does it seem like society is fraying at the edges? Our podcast, Coping with Dystopia, is here to help! We speak with people who have experienced it all and come out the other side. These are thoughtful, real-world talks that offer practical and […] Mehr lesen

Summer Institute: State of Play, The Politics of Right Wing Extremism

The Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism is proud to offer its first Summer Institute on right-wing extremism, in collaboration with the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR). As a partner of the The Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism, Exit-Germany will give a lesson on the topic of campaigning in exit work and the […] Mehr lesen

(K)ein letzter Gruß – Über den Verlust ehemaliger „Kameraden“

Von Felix Benneckenstein. Immer wieder geistern Todesnachrichten über (mehr oder weniger bekannte) Neonazis durch Fachmedien, einschlägige Foren, oder – wie etwa im Falle Siegfried Borchardt aus Dortmund – gar durch eine doch beachtliche Presselandschaft. Eigentlich logisch: wer zu Lebzeiten am lautesten auf sich aufmerksam machte, dessen Todesnachricht findet dann auch ein entsprechendes Echo. Das ist […] Mehr lesen

Fighters for Peace

Ex-combatants: Lessons learned – “Formers” engage in preventing violence and extremism By Christina Foerch Saab. Working with “formers” (former extremists and ex-combatants) in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) can be very impactful on target groups such as marginalized and excluded youth who are at the brink of radicalization or who have already taken the […] Mehr lesen

Bekämpfung von gewalttätigem Extremismus: Einsichten von ehemaligen Rechtsextremisten

Von Ryan Scrivens, Vivek Venkatesh, Maxime Bérubé and Tiana Gaudette. Wie sollte gewalttätiger Extremismus aus der Perspektive von ehemaligen Rechtsextremisten bekämpft werden? Die aktuelle Studie von Ryan Scrivens, Vivek Venkatesh, Maxime Bérubé und Tiana Gaudette gibt darauf Antworten. Die Ausgestiegenen gaben – fußend auf ihren Erfahrungen – an, dass die Verhinderung und Bekämpfung von gewalttätigem […] Mehr lesen

Combating Violent Extremism: Insights from Former Right-Wing Extremists

By Ryan Scrivens, Vivek Venkatesh, Maxime Bérubé and Tiana Gaudette. How do former right-wing extremists think violent extremism should be combated? In a recent study, Ryan Scrivens, Vivek Venkatesh, Maxime Bérubé, and Tiana Gaudette found that formers believed preventing and countering violent extremism requires a multi-dimensional response, largely consisting of support from parents and families, teachers and educators, law […] Mehr lesen

New Threat? Transnational violent right-wing extremism on the rise

By Fabian Wichmann. In the whole of the USA, 330 people have been killed by violent right-wing extremists in the past ten years. This is the conclusion of a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Meanwhile, in Germany, 182 people were killed in the past decade. According to the Global Terrorism Index 2020, right-wing extremist […] Mehr lesen