Counseling towards the Deradicalization of Islamist Extremists: An Overview of Approaches Based on Two Qualitative Interview Studies with Prevention Practitioners in Germany


  • Yannick von Lautz IU International University
  • Eike Bösing University Vechta
  • Mehmet Kart IU International University
  • Margit Stein University Vechta


Counseling, Prevention, Deradicalization, Disengagement, Islamism, Germany


Over the past decade Islamist mobilization has resulted in numerous departures from Germany towards the civil war zones of Syria and Iraq. As a determined response to this trend, the scope of prevention efforts in Germany has increased significantly, combatting Islamist radicalization at the federal and state level with a variety of projects and approaches. This article analyzes the approaches to counseling by deradicalization practitioners in Germany, based on two qualitative interview studies (n=25) and (n=9) with experts in secondary and tertiary prevention. Drawing on the experiential and interpretative knowledge of the interviewees, we identified four prevalent approaches to deradicalization, composed of activity-oriented concepts that explain counseling efforts within a specific set of goals, contents, methods, and techniques. Herein imperatives of action are, firstly, religiously and/or ideologically oriented, secondly, oriented towards acceptance, thirdly, systemically oriented, and lastly, oriented towards life management. However, these are not static approaches, characterized by oft-intersecting efforts. Our findings indicate that confrontational means of dealing with the ideological are uncommon, even though in theory ideological reappraisal is widely considered a core objective of deradicalization practices. More emphasis is placed on an appreciative relationship between counselors and clients as well as collaborations with other support systems and institutions to meet individual needs. Further to this, this article discusses our findings with regard to the theoretical and empirical research framework, taking into account interdisciplinary perspectives as well as experiences from the prevention of right-wing extremism.



This project has received funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the program “Societal Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe”. This publication reflects only the views of the author(s); the BMBF is not responsible for any information it contains.


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