Experiencing trust in multiagency collaboration to prevent violent extremism: A Nordic qualitative study


  • Randi Solhjell The Norwegian Police University College
  • Jennie Sivenbring University of Gothenburg
  • Mari Kangasniemi University of Turku
  • Hanna Kallio University of Turku
  • Tina Wilchen Christensen Aarhus University
  • Håvard Haugstvedt University of Oslo
  • Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik The Norwegian Police University College


Nordic Countries, Interviews, Multiagency Collaboration, Thematic Analysis, Trust, Violent Extremism, P/CVE


In previous studies, multiagency collaboration was identified as a key strategy for early intervention in violent extremism. However, there has been little focus on professionals’ shared communication to support collaboration. The aim of this study was to describe trust in multiagency collaboration teams in the Nordic countries tasked with preventing violent extremism. The data have been collected through simulated case discussions for groups (N=13) and individual interviews (N=78) with multiagency professionals in Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden and analyzed using the thematic analysis method. Based on our results, trust emerged on 1) structural, 2) professional and 3) perceived personal levels. In addition, we identified facilitators and barriers for building trust at these levels. To fully understand the potential of trust, we argue that there is a need to take into account all these three levels of trust. Finally, we find that particularized trust can function as a foundation for building generalized trust. In future, more knowledge is needed about how to enable and manage trust with multiagency collaboration at organizational, but also national and international, level.


This article is part of a research project titled Handling Extremism - Nordic Approaches (HEX-NA), funded by NordForsk, and financial contributors to the project include the Norwegian Police University College, University of Gothenburg, University of Aarhus, University of Turku and the University of Oslo.


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