Rise of Radicalization in the Global Village. Online Radicalization vs. In-person Radicalization - Is There a Difference?


  • Tanja Dramac Jiries School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy


In the vicinity of open space, some authors have called the “dark web” the perfect “breeding grounds” for generating conditions for seeds of extremism to thrive and grow. The perceived anonymity and vast information databases found here present a perfect incubator for terrorist activity. Academics and policymakers alike are as well convinced that such an open space filled with recruiter masterminds is perfectly adept at embracing the unadoptable, unconventional, or socially unfit into terrorist or jihadi organizations.

Nevertheless, regardless of organizations, modernization and adoption of new technological methods in which one can obtain ideas and information, many individuals are still and to a great extent, influenced by face-to-face interactions. Intimate environments of a religious institution, somewhat of a home-like feeling in community gathering center, can equally impact a person, as can the internet and its vast informational influence.

For the reason of contributing to understand the radicalization in the Global Village, this article will examine differences in online and in-person radicalization and illustrate it with some examples and attempt to make a comparison between two different exposures to information and its effects on young individuals.

Author Biography

Tanja Dramac Jiries, School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy

Tanja Dramac Jiries is a PhD candidate at the School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy


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