Working Across Boundaries in Preventing Violent Extremism: Towards a typology for collaborative arrangements in PVE policy


  • William Stephens Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Stijn Sieckelinck Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


PVE, Collaboration, Multi-Sector, Partnerships, Radicalisation


Preventing violent extremism has become a concern for policy makers at all levels from municipal governments to international organisations. A common feature of policy at all levels is the call for collaboration between different sectors, professionals, organisations and communities. While collaboration features so centrally in PVE policy, currently there is no overarching framework through which the many instances of collaboration can be analysed or compared. This paper offers a typology of collaborative arrangements in PVE policy derived from a multilevel policy analysis. This typology creates a foundation for further research into the effectiveness and limitations of different collaborative arrangements in the context of PVE.


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