Signs of Concern about Islamic and Right-Wing Extremism on a Helpline against Radicalization


  • Jennie Sivenbring The Segerstedt Institute


Radicalization, Islamic Extremism, Right-wing extremism, Support, Helpline


Few initiatives and actions for dealing with and countering violent extremism and preventing terrorism focus on offering support to individuals who know people who are at risk of becoming involved in a violent extremist milieu. In Sweden, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Save the Children was commissioned to set up a support helpline specifically for these individuals. This study analyzed 98 documented helpline cases dealing with Islamic and right-wing extremist milieus, and explored what causes concern about radicalization as well as the similarities and differences in the causes of concern for these two milieus. The analysis reveals a somewhat normative radicalization discourse as a concern in Islamic extremism focused on religious practice and potential cognitive factors, while concern in right-wing extremism primarily occurs when a youth has joined an organization or practiced activism.


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