Youth De-Radicalization: A Canadian Framework


  • Hafal (Haval) Ahmad Royal Roads University, British Columbia, Canada


Radicalization, De-Radicalization, Youth, Violent Extremism, Canada


Youth radicalization leading to violence has become a growing fear among Canadians, as terrorist attacks are carried out in Western states. Although Canada has suffered relatively fewer acts of violence, this fear has intensified and a de-radicalization strategy is needed in the Canadian context. In a qualitative case study methodology, interviews were conducted with school counsellors, religious leaders, and academics to explore solutions to youth radicalization. Youth de-radicalization approaches from the United Kingdom were analyzed and found that community-based initiatives were missing from programming. Social identity theory is used to explain that youth join radicalized groups to feel a sense of belonging and have to be provided an alternative and moderate group identity to de-radicalize. This study found youth de-radicalization in Canada is best served through a community collaboration approach.

Author Biography

Hafal (Haval) Ahmad, Royal Roads University, British Columbia, Canada

Corresponding Author Contact: Hafal Ahmad is currently a non-institutional researcher and can be reached under:  


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