The effect of social media usage on students’ e-learning acceptance in higher education: A case study from the United Arab Emirates


  • Mahmoud Alghizzawi Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Mohammed Habes Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Said A. Salloum Faculty of Engineering & IT, The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE Research Institute of Sciences & Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
  • Mazuri Abd. Ghani Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Chaker Mhamdi University of Manouba, Tunisia Al Buraimi University College, Oman
  • Khaled Shaalan Faculty of Engineering & IT, The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE


This study investigates the influence of student social media usage on the acceptance of e-learning platforms at the British University in Dubai. A modified Technology Acceptance Model was developed and validated for the quantitative study, which comprised data collected from 410 graduate and postgraduate students via an electronic questionnaire. The findings showed that knowledge sharing, social media features and motivation to use social media systems, including Facebook YouTube and Twitter, positively affected the perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use of e-learning platforms, which, in turn, led to increased e-learning platform acceptance by students. The research model can be adapted to similar studies to assist in further research regarding how higher-education institutions in the UAE can maximize the benefits and uptake of e-learning platforms.


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