Using Remote Sensing and a Cellular Automata-Markov Chains-GEOMOD model for the Quantification of the Future Spread of an Invasive Plant: A Case Study of Psidium guajava in Isabela Island, Galapagos

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P. Cabrera Barona
C.` Mena


Plant invasive species are one of the most important threats to the ecological stability of the Galapagos Islands and Psidium guajava is one of the most aggressive invasive plants: it currently occupies large areas in the middle and upper zones of some of the islands. This study measures the future spread of Psidium guajava in the south-east area of Isabela Island, Galapagos. Satellite image processing was used to calculate the area of occupation in the years 1980, 2001 and 2009. Then, a Cellular Automata-Markov chains-GEOMOD (CA_Markov_GEOMOD) model was made in order to represent a possible area of future occupancy of Psidium guajava. Results show a continuous invasion of this species in the entire study area and the model of future spread predicts a greater extension of occupation areas in 2030: a spreading rate of 108, 64 Ha / year between 2009 and 2030 was calculated. These results provide a better understanding of the spreading situation of this invasive species, which would support decision making processes to control the invasion.

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How to Cite
Cabrera Barona, P., & Mena, C. (2014). Using Remote Sensing and a Cellular Automata-Markov Chains-GEOMOD model for the Quantification of the Future Spread of an Invasive Plant: A Case Study of Psidium guajava in Isabela Island, Galapagos. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 10(3). Retrieved from
Author Biography

P. Cabrera Barona, UNIGIS in Latin America/Galapagos Science Center, San Francisco de Quito University, Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Cumbayá, Quito, Ecuador

UNIGIS in Latin America/Galapagos Science Center, San Francisco de Quito University, Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Cumbayá, Quito, Ecuador