GeoS4S Module Climate Change and Adaptation

Main Article Content

Lanhai L.


The earth is experiencing a profound climate change which influences the land surface processes. The application of geospatial techniques helps people to obtain skills for measuring spatiotemporal patterns of climate change and evaluating its impacts on the ecosystem and human life. This teaching module focuses on the basic concepts of climate change and adaptation and employs case studies and interactive exercises to measure the elements of climate change and their spatial distribution. Its high-level goal is to use modelling tools to generate climate change scenarios. The current paper summarizes the learning objectives, lesson content, learning activities and evaluation scheme for this module.

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How to Cite
L., L. (2018). GeoS4S Module Climate Change and Adaptation. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 14(3). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Lanhai L.

Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China