Combining physiological data and subjective measurements to investigate cognitive load during complex learning

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Charlotte Larmuseau
Pieter Vanneste
Jan Cornelis
Piet Desmet
Fien Depaepe


Cognitive load theory is one of the most influential theoretical explanations of cognitive processing during learning. Despite its success, attempts to assess cognitive load during learning have proven difficult. Therefore, in the current study, students’ self-reported cognitive load after the problem- solving process has been combined with measures of physiological data, namely, electrodermal activity (EDA) and skin temperature (ST) during the problem-solving process. Data was collected from 15 students during a high and low complex task about learning and teaching geometry. This study first investigated the differences between subjective and physiological data during the problem- solving process of a high and low complex task. Additionally, correlations between subjective and physiological data were examined. Finally, learning behavior that is retrieved from log-data, was related with EDA. Results reveal that the manipulation of task complexity was not reflected by physiological data. Nevertheless, when investigating individual differences, EDA seems to be related to mental effort.

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How to Cite
Larmuseau, C., Vanneste, P., Cornelis, J., Desmet, P., & Depaepe, F. (2019). Combining physiological data and subjective measurements to investigate cognitive load during complex learning. Frontline Learning Research, 7(2), 57–74.


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