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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): The Need for Shifts In Mindsets And Leadership Roles In PK-20 Schools And Communities: Challenges And Opportunities

Applying A Stem Engagement Framework To Examine Short-Term Retention Of Latinx And Other Underrepresented Groups In An Undergraduate Stem Scholar Program

February 3, 2023


Studying STEM Intervention Program (SIP) retention, particularly what distinguishes those students who remain in the program from those that leave, may be a key to better understand how to keep students on track towards STEM degree completion. This study focuses on the participation of Latinx and other underrepresented racial/ethnic minoritized (URM) groups in a STEM intervention and support program. Applying London, Rosenthal, Levy, and Lobel’s (2011) STEM Engagement Framework on five cohorts of participants in a SIP, this study found that maintaining higher levels of scientific identity was related to program retention. Therefore, intentionally designing programs that address systemic inequities and celebrate and affirm minoritized groups’ experiences can facilitate adjustment and success. Moreover, women-identified participants were also more likely to remain in the SIP relative to their men-identified counterparts. For practitioners and institutions alike, these results indicate the need to create and implement support programs for women in STEM that go beyond the traditional components of academic support.