Applying the Bio-Ecological Model of Intelligence to the Wechsler Scales in The Bahamas


  • Judith Tynes-Jones Capella University



IQ tests


This paper contains information about theory and application of the bio-ecological model of intelligence by Sharon Gopaul-McNicol. The validity, reliability and normative samples of the Wechsler scales will be described. Examples of how this model is applied to the Wechsler scales will be demonstrated. Emphasis will be placed on children of varying cultures living in the Bahamas. Twenty-nine Bahamian children completed the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition (WISC-III) in The Bahamas using the bio-ecological model of intelligence. This small sample revealed that once this model was utilized the Bahamian children improved their intelligence quotient (IQ).

Author Biography

Judith Tynes-Jones, Capella University

Ph.D. Student Capella University


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