The Effects of Four Selected Components of Opportunity to Learn on Mathematics Achievement of Grade 12 Students


  • Janet Maria Collie-Patterson The College of The Bahamas



The purpose of this study was to determine if a single dimension of opportunity to learn (OTL) could be identified using four selected components of teachers, students, schools and classroom characteristics; and to determine if each of the four components of OTL was related to mathematics achievement as measured by the results of the June 1999 Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education mathematics examination. The findings of this study indicated that the model-data-fit was reasonable, suggesting that a significant relationship existed between opportunity to learn and three selected components of teachers, students and school characteristics. The fourth component, classroom characteristics, was not significantly related to OTL. Each of the four components of schools, students, teachers and classroom characteristics were significantly related to mathematics achievement.

Author Biography

Janet Maria Collie-Patterson, The College of The Bahamas

Lecturer in Mathematics Department of Mathematics School of Natural Sciences and Environmental Studies The College of The Bahamas


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