In The Bahamas “She must give it up”: Sexual Abuse of Women in Heterosexual Relationships by their Intimate Partners




Marital violence, Bahamas, Rape, Women, Crimes Against, Marital Rape Exception, Sexual abuse victims


This study analyses the treatment of Bahamian women in heterosexual relationships by their intimate partners focusing on instances of sexual and psychological abuse. An internet survey obtained information from 464 married and 1,264 unmarried women currently in intimate relationships with men. Married women were more likely than unmarried women in intimate relationships to report non-consensual sexual intercourse. Married women who admitted to being victims of non-consensual sexual intercourse or reported having been raped by their husband were more likely to have been physically harmed by their husband than those who had not suffered   non-consensual sex or rape. Likewise, psychological abuse was more evident in married than unmarried women. The results indicate that behaviours of concern are inflicted by men on their female intimate partners both inside and outside of marriage. The finding that abusive behaviours, including non-consensual sex and psychological abuse, are more common within marriage than outside of marriage requires further study.


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