Individual stress management coursework in Canadian teacher preparation programs


  • Gregory E. Harris Memorial University


Teacher stress is a significant issue facing the teaching profession. The current paper explores individual stress management as a viable option to address stress in this profession. Specifically, Canadian teacher education programs are examined to identify the prevalence of pre-service teacher education courses focused on individual stress management. In light of the study findings, the author presents a curriculum framework for the development of a course focused on individual stress management for pre-service teachers as a means to facilitate increased availability of such coursework in Canadian teacher preparation programs. Potential areas of future research are also presented.


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Author Biography

Gregory E. Harris, Memorial University

Dr. Greg Harris is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University and is cross appointed with the Department of Psychology and the University Counselling Centre. He is a Registered Psychologist in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. His research has been predominately in the area of HIV/AIDS.



How to Cite

Harris, G. E. (2012). Individual stress management coursework in Canadian teacher preparation programs. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 34(4), 104–117. Retrieved from


