Pleins feux sur la persévérance et le raccrochage


  • Julie Marcotte
  • Marie-Hélène Lachance
  • Geneviève Lévesque


The first section of this article shows the importance and the implication of the drop out phenomenon in Quebec and in Canada. This problem is then contextualized in light of contemporary awareness of young adults’ diverse educational trajectories and the openness of second chance schools in Quebec’s educational system. A second section of this manuscript focuses on the results of a mixed method study conducted with 77 youths aged 16-24 who decided to pursue or reentry school through the adult education centers (AEC) in Quebec. These results, as others from similar studies, clearly demonstrate the AEC’s contribution to diplomation’s rates but, moreover, their influence on young adults’ personal development and the turning points these schools may generate in youths’ trajectories

Keywords: drop out, re-entry, personal growth, trajectories


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How to Cite

Marcotte, J., Lachance, M.-H., & Lévesque G. (2012). Pleins feux sur la persévérance et le raccrochage. Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 34(4), 135–157. Retrieved from


