Mathematical Programming Models to Increase Land and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-arid NE-Brazil


  • Heinrich Hagel Department of Computer Applications and Business Management in Agriculture, University of Hohenheim.
  • Christa Hoffmann Department of Computer Applications and Business Management in Agriculture, University of Hohenheim.
  • Reiner Doluschitz Department of Computer Applications and Business Management in Agriculture, University of Hohenheim.


Construction of the Itaparica dam and reservoir induced changes of the agricultural production systems in the micro-region Itaparica, at the lower-middle São Francisco river basin. Extensive traditional systems were replaced by irrigated fruit and production. Over twenty years after the dam construction, many farmers are still facing income insecurity. A survey consisting of expert interviews and structured on-farm interviews was conducted to analyze current production systems. Farm income depended strongly on low wages for day laborers, free irrigation water, and stable prices of the main crop, coconut. Diversification of production and improved market access can help to improve farmers’ income situation.




World Conference on Computers in Agriculture, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2014