Exploring the Interaction Effects Between Human Resource Systems and Resource Orchestration on Firm Outcomes


  • Daniel Peat University of Cincinnati
  • Jaclyn Perrmann-Graham Northern Kentucky University


Human Resource Systems, Strategic Management, Resource Orchestration, Human Capital, Firm Performance, Human Resource Management


Firms that leverage the interaction of HR systems with resource orchestration are better able to respond to increasing globalization and the inherent complexities and dynamism of operating in these environments. In this paper, we theorize how firms leverage this interaction to influence organizational level outcomes, specifically firm financial performance and organizational learning. In doing so, we both examine how human capital is viewed and answer calls within the literature on how resources are combined to influence firm outcomes. Our work follows Sirmon et al. (2007) framework and spans departmental boundaries making it both relevant and practical to all business disciplines and fields.

Author Biographies

Daniel Peat, University of Cincinnati

Mr. Peat is a doctoral candidate in the Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati and an instuctor in the Department of Management in the Farmer School of Business at Miami University. Prior to his position at Miami University, Mr. Peat was an Instructor in Management at University of Cincinnati.

Jaclyn Perrmann-Graham, Northern Kentucky University

Dr. Jaclyn Perrmann-Graham is an Assistant Professor of Management in the Haile/US Bank College of Business and Northern Kentucky University.


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