Predicting Quantum Random Events from Background Photon Density Two Days Previously: Implications for Virtual-to-Matter Determinism and Changing the Future


  • David E Vares Laurentian University
  • Michael Persinger Laurentian University


quantum entanglement, nonlocality, remote viewing


Abstract. We tested the hypothesis that discrete energies from entropic-like processes immersed within background photon densities of ~10-11 W·m-2 were coupled to the occurrence of changes in random events that lead to specific consequences about two days later. This latency was obtained from the ratio of the summed equivalent energies associated with a Bohr electron divided by the value for the fluctuation of background photon density within the likely area of the gap junctions mediating the electron tunneling. Hourly values for 30 days for background photon densities and deviations on random number generators involved lags between 0 and 72 hours. Multiple regression equations indicated that deviations from random number variations were only correlated with photon densities approximately 48 hr (2 days) previously. Convergent quantitative values were consistent with source energies from virtual particles at the level of entropic thresholds. The delay of approximately two days between the emergent energies that influence an event and the manifestation of the event in physical time or the specious present suggest that technology could be developed to predict or modify actual events in real time.  Implications for causality and determinism are considered.


Author Biographies

David E Vares, Laurentian University

Psychology and Behavioural Neuroscience; Bioquantum Laboratory

Michael Persinger, Laurentian University

Full Professor, Behavioural Neuroscience and Biomolecular Sciences Program


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