Quantum Information Self-Organization and Consciousness: a Holoinformational Model of Consciousness


  • Francisco Di Biase Geraldo Di Biase University, Brazil Albert Schweitzer International University Switzerland World Information Distributed University(WIDU), Belgium


non-locality, quantum informational model of consciousness, quantum information, self-organization, quantum biomedicine, transpersonal psychology


Abstract. The author proposes a holoinformational view of consciousness based on the holonomic theory of brain function and quantum brain dynamics developed by Karl Pribram, Sir John Eccles, Hameroff, Jibu and Yasue, and on the quantum-holographic and holomovement theory of David Bohm. This conceptual framework is integrated into the non-local information property of the Quantum Field Theory of Umesawa, to the concept of negentropy, order, and organization developed by Shannon, Wiener, Szilard and Brillouin, and to the theories of self-organization and complexity of Prigogine, Atlan, Jantsch and Kauffman. Wheeler’s “it from bit” concept of a participatory universe, and the developments of the physics of information made by Zurek and others with the concepts of statistical entropy and algorithmic entropy, related to the number of bits being processed in the mind of the observer, are also considered. This new synthesis gives a self-organizing quantum non-local informational basis for a new model of consciousness in a participatory universe. In this synthesis, consciousness is conceived as a meaningful quantum non-local information interconnecting the brain and the cosmos, by a holoinformational field (a field at the same time non-local holistic (quantum) and local (Newtonian). We propose that we are this very non-local quantum-holographic cosmos that manifests itself through our consciousness, interconnecting in a participatory holistic and indivisible way the human brain to all levels of the self-organizing holographic multiverse.

Author Biography

Francisco Di Biase, Geraldo Di Biase University, Brazil Albert Schweitzer International University Switzerland World Information Distributed University(WIDU), Belgium

Grand PhD, Chief Dept of Neurology Neurosurgery, Santa Casa Hospital, Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.

Senior Fellow Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, California, USA

Professor Dept of Post-Graduation


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